Book with Nicholas

Services by Nicholas:

Nicholas Yue

Pilates & Gyrotonic Instructor

  • Polestar Pilates Comprehensive Studio Certified
  • Gyrotonic Level 1 Certified 
  • Progressing Ballet Technique Level 2 Certified
  • Certificate in Basic Sport Science
  • Certificate in Basic Exercise Science
Nicholas’s Bio

Nicholas’ Pilates journey started as a form of conditioning exercise to improve himself for Competitive Ballroom Dancing. The benefits and changes he saw in himself inspired him to gain a greater depth of knowledge and understanding of Pilates. His pursuit for knowledge accompanied by his passion for teaching naturally led him down the path of becoming a Pilates Instructor. By incorporating his combined knowledge from Pilates and Dance, he hopes to share the benefits and joy that Pilates has given him by helping others become the best and strongest version of themselves.

Book an Appointment with Nicholas

Appointment type: Private Pilates
Staff: Nicholas Yue